There are so many different kinds of sausages! How long can you keep them—and where? Are they fully cooked or not? The background information provided here will answer these and other questions. With the help of below mentioned sausage type, you could choose the one that will suit for your recipe.
Sausages are either ready to eat or not. They can be produced with red meat, poultry, or a combination of the two. Uncooked sausages include fresh and smoked sausages however ready-to-eat sausages might be dry, semi-dry, or cooked. Semi-dry sausages are frequently cooked in the smokehouse to fully cook and partially dry the product.
Fresh Sausages: Fresh sausages are a coarse or finely ground meat food product made from one or more types of meat, or meat and meat by-products. They may contain up to 3% of the total ingredients in the product. They are often seasoned, frequently cured, and may contain binders and extenders. They must be kept chilled and completely cooked before consumption.
Cooked and/or Smoked Sausages: These goods are created from one or more types of chopped or ground meats that have been seasoned, cooked, and/or smoked. Water cannot be more than 10% of the total weight. Meat byproducts may be used.
Meat Specialties: A ready-to-eat sausage product produced from finely ground meats that have been seasoned and are usually grilled or baked rather than smoked. They are typically served cold, sliced.
Dry and semi-dry sausages: Dry sausages may or may not be characterised by bacterial fermentation. When fermented, the intentional stimulation of lactic acid bacteria development serves as a meat preservation while also generating the typical sour flavour. The ingredients are combined with spices and curing agents before being filled into casings and air-drying for an extended period of time.
Dry sausages require more time to make than other forms of sausage, resulting in a more concentrated form of meat. When sold, medium-dry sausage weighs roughly 70% of its “green” weight.
Green weight is the weight of the raw object before the addition of additional chemicals or heating. At completion, less-dry and fully-dried sausages range from 80 to 60 percent of their original weight.
Semi-dry sausages are frequently cooked in the smokehouse to fully cook and partially dry the product. Semi-dry sausages are semi-soft sausages with good keeping properties due to lactic acid fermentation. The above are few sausages that you can use for new york hot dog recipe.